
Lowongan Kerja 2010 , Mining Vacancies Februari 2010

We are Mining Company in Indonesia with head Office in Jakarta, is currently seeking for experienced, and competent professional to joint our project as below :

1. GM Mining
2. Manajer Operasional
3. Jr/Sr. Geologis/Manajer Eksplorasi
4. Mining Production Spv/Spdt/Mgr
5. Perencana Tambang (MPE) Spv/Spdt/Mgr

6. Logistik Spdt/Mgr
7. Plant Spdt/Mgr
8. COMDEV (CSR) Spv/Spdt/Mgr
9. HSE Spv/Spdt/Mgr
10. HRD Spv/Spdt/Mgr
11. GA Spdt
12. Projek / Civil Enginering Spdt
13. Mekanik Alat Berat Spv/spdt
14. Elektrik HD Spv

1. General Manajer: Usia ± 45th, Pengalaman> 12th (Pernah di perusahaan umum/BUMN besar/ diutamakan di perusahaan tambang).
2. Manajer: Usia ± 40 th, Pengalaman> 10 di dibidangnya.
3. Superintendent: Usia ± 35th, Pengalaman >5th dibidangnya, Supervisor: 28-30 th, Pengalaman > 3 th dibidangnya.
4. Pendidikan: S1 semua jurusan (No. 1, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11), S1 tambang/geologi (No. 2, 3, 4, 5), S1 teknik mesin (7), S1 teknik sipil (No. 12), Min. STM (13 & 14).

Please submit your application and put the code of the position that you apply with attention to: recruitment@haritamineral.com

Mining Company Job Vacancies closing dates 27 Februari 2010

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