
Career Oil and Gas PT Supraco Indonesia May 2013

Oil and Gas Job Vacancy in providing services to oil and gas industry and Geothermal in Indonesia, PT Supraco Indonesia Currently we are looking for a professional to build a career with us. Applicants are invited for the following position:

Qualification & Experience:

  • Bachelor degree in a related field is preferable and is a plus
  • Certificates in planning and budgeting from recognized institutions are preferable
  • Advance skill in project planning with Primavera and MS Project is a must
  • Advance skill in the computer application software required in the project (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, etc.) is a must
  • Advance skills in project estimating and budgeting is a must
  • Placement : Cepu Site
  • Working Knowledge of:
  • Piping and pressure vessel codes and quality standards (E.g. AWS D1.1, CSA B51, ASME Section III, ASME B31.3, and ISO 9001)
  • Piping fabrication methods
  • Welding processes and NDE techniques including evaluation methods
  • Piping, Isometrics and shop Drawings
  • Trained to authorize work permits (e.g. hot work, confined space, etc.)
  • Good oral and written English language skills
  • Well versed in safe work practices
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate in multiple languages
  • Minimum fifteen (15) years experience in inspection of piping systems on major onshore construction projects.
  • Skills and experience in the development of commissioning and start-up budget,.
  • Skills and experience in the development of manpower and vendor support mobilization/demobilization plan and schedules, and the development of lists of required commissioning and start-up spares, consumables, first-fills, special tools, temporary equipment, etc.

Qualification & Experience:
  • Minimum ten (10) year’s experience in inspection of E&I works on major onshore construction projects out of which at least 3 years experience senior E&I construction position
  • Experienced in witnessing SAT (Site Acceptance Tests) and FAT (Factory Acceptance Tests) of Electrical & Instrument control systems
  • Exposure to DCS instrumentation works and commissioning of the same
  • Thorough knowledge on International standards on E&I like IEC etc.
  • Knowledge on applicable Indonesian MIGAS regulations for E&I works is preferred
  • Well versed in safe work practices
  • Computer literate with experience in using MS Office suite for preparing reports and maintaining data base
  • Placement : Cepu Site

Qualification & Experience:
  • Degree in Civil/Geotechnical/Geological Engineering. 15 years of relevant experience.
  • Proven design investigation and analysis of geotechnical civil engineering.
  • Well versed in safe work practices.
  • Demonstrated ability to communicate in multiple languages
  • Computer literate with experience in using MS Office suite for preparing reports and maintaining data base
  • Thorough understanding of applicable project specifications
  • Trained to authorize work permits (e.g. hot work, confined space, etc.)
  • Good oral and written English language skills
  • Placement : Cepu Site
  • Working Knowledge of:
  • Soil Mechanics field tesing methods, including determining Vane Shear Strengths in cohesive soils using ASTM D 2573 method and Cone Penetration Test per ASTM D3441.
  • Testing of swelling and dispersive soils (E.g. Emerson class number, double hydrometer or Pinhold).
  • Rules and Regulations for Dam Safety and Dam Construction in Indonesia.
  • Seepage Analysis and Control for Dams (E.g. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers EM 110-2-1901)

If you love challenges and look forward to enriching professional and experience, kindly submit your complete resume with latest photograph to :  recruitment@supraco.com  , put job title name and code on subject email. Career Oil and Gas PT Supraco Indonesia deadline 29 May 2013.

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