
Oil Gas Jobs in RPE-Group February 2013

Oil Gas Job Vacancy in RPE-Group company in the Engineering and Construction ranging from partial services to integrated EPCI, Currently we are looking for a bright, high achiever individual, capable of providing a professional performance with self integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfill the vacancies of :

1. Project Manager PM
2. Pre-Commissioning /Commissioning Mgr PCM
3. QA/QC Mgr QAM
4. Construction Mgr CM
5. Project Control Scheduling Mgr PCM
6. Cost Control Mgr CCM
7. Project Engineer PE
8. Sr. Construction Eng SCE
9. Lead Engineer (Process/Process Safety, Mech, Piping, Electrical, Civil Structure) LE
10.Sr. Engineer (Process/Process Safety, Mech, Piping, Electrical, Civil Structure) SR

Qualification & Experience:

  • Applicants should have minimum experiences: 15 yrs (1), 10 yrs (.2,3,4,5,6,) 8 yrs (7,8,9), 8 yrs (10) in Oil and Gas On Shore and/or Offshore, Upstream/Downstream Oil & Gas, Petrochemical or Power Plant projects.
  • Bachelor Degree S1 Degree or equivalent professional qualification
  • Possess integrity and good personal skills, aggressive confidence and smart.
  • Strong leadership skill
  • Honest, discipline, highly self-motivated, initiative, team player, and good adaptability
  • Self motivated and able to work under pressure and strict deadline individually or in a team
  • Good attitude, self motivated     
  • Good communication skill (verbal & written) in English
  • Have an excellent health

If you are interested in taking up above challenging career with good remuneration, send a detailed resume with a recent photo to: Hrd@rpe-engineering.com  . put write name and proposed position code at the subject of email. Oil Gas Jobs in RPE-Group February deadline 23 Februari 2013.

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