
Oil Gas Career RasGas Company Limited

Oil Gas Career RasGas Company Limited company in the largest supplier of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and a world leader in gas-to-liquids production, currently we are looking for a bright, high achiever individual, capable of providing a professional performance with self integrity and good teamwork mindset to fulfill the vacancies of :

Applicants should have a minimum of Secondary education with at least 6 years of experience in LNG, LPG, Sour Gas Processing, Sulphur Recovery, Refinery or a similar process environment together with a mechanical aptitude and basic knowledge of process instrumentation and DCS Operations.

Applicants should have a minimum of Secondary education with at least 6 years of experience in operating and monitoring the following plants and equipments: Fuel Gas/Sour Gas system, cooling water pumps and exchangers. desalination plant, potable water units, dematerializing units and softeners, nitrogen operators and crjo,9enic equipments, Air compressors and dryers, Flare system and sour/wet dry fare knock out drums, DCS, PLC, Foxboro, Etalba and Fire gas system, Permit to work system, Emergency response.

Candidates should have a minimum of secondary education, engineering diploma is preferred, with at least 10 years experience as a DCS Panel Operator in a Utility Plant and/or Gas Processing Facility with preference for LNG liquefaction knowledge. In addition, Candidate must have meet the following competency requirements:
high aptitude with safety management systems; high level of competency in relationship and team building including communicative skills between peers in the English language; transparency in reporting of production process problems, sharing of knowledge and lessons learned; high focus on process operations optimization and efficiencies including minimizing all flaring; high focus In work management processes including permit to work, equipment isolations, temporary control system defeats, etc.

If you think that you are really the right person to fill this challenging position, please send your application, CV and recent photograph to: visit our website www.gunamandiri.com page vacancies  . Or

PT Gunamandiri Paripurna
Jl. Kapten Tendean No. 24, Mampang Prapatan, Jakarta Selatan 12720
Telp. 021-7191060 (Hunting) Fax. 021-7191017
Oil Gas Career RasGas Company Limited deadline 23 Februari 2013.

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