PT Gasminco Jaring Utama is a fast growing consulting
company, contractor, and owner at mining area, Currently we are looking for a
professional to build a career with us. Applicants are invited for the following
Qualification & Experience:
- Bachelor Degree S1in Geodesy Tech with IPK minimal 2.75
- Can run program as Autocad, Land Development, Softdesk, and Station's Totaled equipment.
- Having healthy physical, and that berpikr can quick, duly deep analyses.
- Communicative can work Team's ala and also individual.
- Placement : Kalimantan Barat, Sumatera Barat, Yogyakarta
Qualification & Experience:
- Can run Geology software
- Geological master of engineering with IPK = 2,75
- Healthy spiritual and carnal
- fresh graduate diperkenankan to apply for
- Proactive, drudge, can work by target already being determined
- Get good personality, having ability gets communication, and collaborates properly
- Have the honour resident at site Kalimantan Barat with roster's system.
- Nusa Tenggara Timur, Yogyakarta
Qualification & Experience:
- Have 3 years job experience at laterite (particularly Bauxit) 2 Basemental's years.
- Proactive, drudge, can work by target already being determined.
- Geological master of engineering with IPK = 2,75.
- Healthy spiritual and carnal.
- Get good personality, having ability gets communication, and collaborates properly.
- Can run Geology software.
- Have the honour resident at site (Kalimantan is Western) with roster's system 10 / 2.
- At accentuates to be a resident DIY 'S region
Please send your Application Letter, Curriculum Vitae,
Certification, Copy Transcript, recent Photograph, and other related supporting
documents to :
HRD PT Gasminco Jaring Utama
Email :
Mining Contractor Jobs in PT Gasminco Jaring Utama deadline 1
February 2012.