
Lowongan Kerja Tambang (Mining Contractor) @ PT. RICOBANA ABADI

Job vacancy Mining Contractor Desember 2009

PT. Ricobana Abadi Mining Contractor Company in Desember 2009 is currently seeking for experienced, and competent professional to joint our project as below :

Site Manager (001 SM)

Production Supervisor (002 PS)
Good working experience as Manager min 8 years, Supervisor 5 years
Having competency of Leadership: Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling
Energic, high initiative, and able to work individually as good as a team

Mine Engineer
(002 ME)
Good experience in planning and operational coal mining
Able computer and software Tambang
Graduate D3 / S1 in Teknik Pertambangan

Drill Blast Supervisor (002 DBS)
Good experience in Drill Blast Supervisor position
Having certificate juru ledak class 2 and KIM not expired

Safety Supervisor (005 SS)
Good experience in mining Safety Supervisor 5 years
Having driving license SIM A
Strong leadership skill and people management

Maintenance Supervisor (003 MS)
Good experience in same position 5 years
Good planning and maintenance machine and spare part

Maintenance Planner (003 MP)
Good experience in same position 2 years
Graduate D3 S1 Teknik Mesin/Alat Berat

Recruitment Supervisor (005 RSV)
Good experience in same position 5 years
Good experience in recruitment, assesment & melakukan couch counseling

Administration Supervisor (005 ADMSV)
Good experience in same position 5 years ( as supervisor )
Graduate S1 in Psikologi / Hukum / Ekonomi
Hubungan Industrial, Memahami produk bank, mengelola cashflow, Menguasai laporan keuangan, Kontrol bugdet. Menguasai Ppn, Pph21&23

FA Supervisor (003 FA)
Good experience in same position 3 years
Good experience and Knowledge in Finance

Management & Officer Development Program (005 MODP)
Fresh Graduate , age max 27 years old
Bachelor Degree in Teknik Mesin, Geologi, Pertambangan, Lingkungan, Informatika, Sipil, Industri, Ekonomi Akuntansi, Psikologi, dan Hukum iPK 3.00

If you meet the above-mentioned qualification, please send your complete and update CV with recent photograph to :

PT. Ricobana Abadi
Gedung Golden Centrum
Jl. Majapahit No. 26
Jakarta Pusat.
Or via email : recruitment@ricobana.co.id
Closing dates 21 Desember 2009

PS Thank you have read this Lowongan Kerja Tambang (Mining Contractor) @ PT. RICOBANA ABADI , if you want to subscribe via email clicks here Lowongan Kerja Tambang for another job,click Lowongan Oil gas| Lowongan Telkom | Lowongan Kerja Bank

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