Job vacancy Mining Contractor Desember 2009
PT. Ricobana Abadi Mining Contractor Company in Desember 2009 is currently seeking for experienced, and competent professional to joint our project as below :
Site Manager (001 SM)
Production Supervisor (002 PS)
Good working experience as Manager min 8 years, Supervisor 5 years
Having competency of Leadership: Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling
Energic, high initiative, and able to work individually as good as a team
Mine Engineer (002 ME)
Good experience in planning and operational coal mining
Able computer and software Tambang
Graduate D3 / S1 in Teknik Pertambangan
Drill Blast Supervisor (002 DBS)
Good experience in Drill Blast Supervisor position
Having certificate juru ledak class 2 and KIM not expired
Safety Supervisor (005 SS)
Good experience in mining Safety Supervisor 5 years
Having driving license SIM A
Strong leadership skill and people management
Maintenance Supervisor (003 MS)
Good experience in same position 5 years
Good planning and maintenance machine and spare part
Maintenance Planner (003 MP)
Good experience in same position 2 years
Graduate D3 S1 Teknik Mesin/Alat Berat
Recruitment Supervisor (005 RSV)
Good experience in same position 5 years
Good experience in recruitment, assesment & melakukan couch counseling
Administration Supervisor (005 ADMSV)
Good experience in same position 5 years ( as supervisor )
Graduate S1 in Psikologi / Hukum / Ekonomi
Hubungan Industrial, Memahami produk bank, mengelola cashflow, Menguasai laporan keuangan, Kontrol bugdet. Menguasai Ppn, Pph21&23
FA Supervisor (003 FA)
Good experience in same position 3 years
Good experience and Knowledge in Finance
Management & Officer Development Program (005 MODP)
Fresh Graduate , age max 27 years old
Bachelor Degree in Teknik Mesin, Geologi, Pertambangan, Lingkungan, Informatika, Sipil, Industri, Ekonomi Akuntansi, Psikologi, dan Hukum iPK 3.00
If you meet the above-mentioned qualification, please send your complete and update CV with recent photograph to :
PT. Ricobana Abadi
Gedung Golden Centrum
Jl. Majapahit No. 26
Jakarta Pusat.
Or via email :
Closing dates 21 Desember 2009
PS Thank you have read this Lowongan Kerja Tambang (Mining Contractor) @ PT. RICOBANA ABADI , if you want to subscribe via email clicks here Lowongan Kerja Tambang for another job,click Lowongan Oil gas| Lowongan Telkom | Lowongan Kerja Bank
PT. Ricobana Abadi Mining Contractor Company in Desember 2009 is currently seeking for experienced, and competent professional to joint our project as below :
Site Manager (001 SM)
Production Supervisor (002 PS)
Good working experience as Manager min 8 years, Supervisor 5 years
Having competency of Leadership: Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling
Energic, high initiative, and able to work individually as good as a team
Mine Engineer (002 ME)
Good experience in planning and operational coal mining
Able computer and software Tambang
Graduate D3 / S1 in Teknik Pertambangan
Drill Blast Supervisor (002 DBS)
Good experience in Drill Blast Supervisor position
Having certificate juru ledak class 2 and KIM not expired
Safety Supervisor (005 SS)
Good experience in mining Safety Supervisor 5 years
Having driving license SIM A
Strong leadership skill and people management
Maintenance Supervisor (003 MS)
Good experience in same position 5 years
Good planning and maintenance machine and spare part
Maintenance Planner (003 MP)
Good experience in same position 2 years
Graduate D3 S1 Teknik Mesin/Alat Berat
Recruitment Supervisor (005 RSV)
Good experience in same position 5 years
Good experience in recruitment, assesment & melakukan couch counseling
Administration Supervisor (005 ADMSV)
Good experience in same position 5 years ( as supervisor )
Graduate S1 in Psikologi / Hukum / Ekonomi
Hubungan Industrial, Memahami produk bank, mengelola cashflow, Menguasai laporan keuangan, Kontrol bugdet. Menguasai Ppn, Pph21&23
FA Supervisor (003 FA)
Good experience in same position 3 years
Good experience and Knowledge in Finance
Management & Officer Development Program (005 MODP)
Fresh Graduate , age max 27 years old
Bachelor Degree in Teknik Mesin, Geologi, Pertambangan, Lingkungan, Informatika, Sipil, Industri, Ekonomi Akuntansi, Psikologi, dan Hukum iPK 3.00
If you meet the above-mentioned qualification, please send your complete and update CV with recent photograph to :
PT. Ricobana Abadi
Gedung Golden Centrum
Jl. Majapahit No. 26
Jakarta Pusat.
Or via email :
Closing dates 21 Desember 2009
PS Thank you have read this Lowongan Kerja Tambang (Mining Contractor) @ PT. RICOBANA ABADI , if you want to subscribe via email clicks here Lowongan Kerja Tambang for another job,click Lowongan Oil gas| Lowongan Telkom | Lowongan Kerja Bank