
Lowongan Migas PT Rekind Worley Parsons April 2012.

PT Rekind Worley Parsons company in the Joint Operation between PT. Rekayasa Industri & PT. WorleyParsons Indonesia which is currently running the Engineering & Construction Management Contract within PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia in Duri, Riau. To support this, we are seeking passionate, dynamic, self-motivated individuals who are driven towards performance excellence. We offer you challenges and opportunities to meet your career aspirations as :


Qualification of Personnel

  • Having min 3 years experience in managerial level.
  • Have a relevant industry background, preferably from multinational company.
  • Min education is to posses Accounting & Finance degree (S1 or equivalent)
  • Good Communication skill, fluent in English and Indonesian.
  • Willing to be stationed in Duri, Riau.

Qualification of Personnel
  • Having 8 years working experience in related engineering discipline works for oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities, with minimum 3 years of which at senior engineer position.
  • The candidate shall have thorough knowledge on related engineering discipline and be proficient with related baseline software and codes/standards.
  • Bachelor Degree S1 in from reputable university
  • For mechanical discipline, the candidate shall have sufficient experience in providing technical specification & datasheet for procurement process, both for static or rotating equipment, and familiar with all associated codes & standards, such as: API610, API676, ASME-VIII Division 112, API650, etc.
  • For piping discipline, the candidate shall have sufficient experience in implementing3D modeling for piping design and familiar with 3D baseline software (PDMS and Naviswork Review).
  • The candidate shall have high mentoring & coaching skills.

Qualification of Personnel
  • Having 8 years working experience in process engineering works for oil & gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities, with minimum 3 years of which at senior engineer position
  • The candidate shall have thorough knowledge on process engineering and be proficient with related baseline software and codes/standards.
  • Bachelor Degree S1 in from engineering
  • The candidate shall have high mentoring & coaching skills.

Roles and Responsibilities
  • Ensure completeness of critical data required for WR under his/her responsibility and availability of master deliverables record (MDR), prior to commencement of engineering activities for the respective WR.
  • Coordinate day-to-day execution of engineering project for WR under his/her responsibility and ensure resources assigned and approved under such WR are working as per planned schedule, cost and productivity.
  • Facilitate internal communication among engineering discipline resources assigned to WR under his/her responsibility, to ensure good alignment during WR execution.
  • Ensure all systems, processes and procedures in Contractors engineering execution plan are consistently and well implemented to achieve WR completion on budget and schedule.
  • Act as Contractors single point of contact (SPOC) for any correspondence with Company related with WR under his/her responsibility, including: transmittal system, MDR update, proper documentation of decisions impacted WR schedule and budget, management of changes, etc.
  • Ensure that the weekly / monthly report related to WR under his/her responsibility, has been thoroughly checked prior to issuance to Company.
  • If assigned to Company as seconded personnel; he/she shall assist Companys personnel in managing Companys projects in CPDEP phase-2 to 4, which shall include but not limited to project activities as follow:
  • a. Phase-2: supporting alternatives generation/evaluation/selection, providing technical consultancy as needed, preparing project documentation & VIP sessions as required, assisting on G036 & GO! AFE process forphase-3 (FEED) to ensure budget & schedule adequacy, etc.
  • b. Phase-3: overseeing Companys contractor in executing FEED to ensure that all deliverables have been thoroughly reviewed prior to final approval, controlling AFE schedule & budget, preparing project documentation & VIP sessions as required, assisting on GO-36 & GOI-AFE process(phase-4: project execution) to ensure budget & schedule adequacy, etc.
  • c. Phase-4: overseeing Companys contractor in executing DED to ensure that all deliverables have been thoroughly reviewed prior to final approval, preparing project documentation & VIP sessions as required, maintaining close communication with Companys O&M teams during project execution, ensuring that pre-commissioning& commissioning scope are properly done prior to Facility start-up, assisting to coordinate project hand-over process to Companys O&M teams including preparation of hand-over documentation dossiers, etc.

Qualification of Personnel
  • Minimum education is to possess an engineering degree (S I) or equivalent.
  • The candidate shall have minimum 5 years working experience in engineering design, construction and project management for oil and gas or petrochemical handling projects and/or facilities.
  • The candidate shall have broad knowledge on multi disciplines engineering, internationally recognized codes & standards for engineering & construction, and work planning & scheduling.
  • The candidate shall have high skills on facilitation & coordination.

Currently gives opportunities for you who meet the qualifications, have a strong dedication, motivation and high integrity to join the following positions: recruitment@rekindworleyparsons.com , put the applied position as the email subject. Lowongan Migas PT Rekind Worley Parsons deadline 28 April 2012.

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