
Mining Jobs Perusahaan Tambang Aspal Maret 2012

Perusahaan Tambang Aspal, Currently gives opportunities for you who meet the qualifications, have a strong dedication, motivation and high integrity to join the following positions:

Qualification & Experience:
Man, min, S1 is Geology, max. 27th, can run SURPAC'S software and ARCGIS and gets to work equals team.

Qualification & Experience:
Man, min. S1 / D3, max. 38 yr. min. 4 yr sebaga HRD Manager / Asst Mgr's experiences or Personnel Manager at corporate mine or manufacturing that handle personalian's administration, remuneration, general affairs and understands ketenagakerjaan's regulation.

Qualification & Experience:
Man, min, S1 / D3 is mining, max. 35th, min. 2 yr experiences as Site Manager that mengkoordinasi and keeping company all mining activity and any kind that gets bearing with mining.

Qualification & Experience:
Man, S1. Machine, max. 45th. min. 5th is experience as Supply Chain Manager / Purchasing Logistic Manager at corporate Mine or a sort.

SALES ENGINEER- Jakarta, Kendari and Makassar
Qualification & Experience:
Man, S1 T. is Highway Civil. max. 35th. min. 4th is experience as Sales / Marketing Goods Mines. Habitually is engaged Government and contractor Institution.

If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph and application letter to :

Perusahaan Tambang Aspal
HRD, d/a Makaliwe Office Park
Jl. Dr. Makaliwe Raya No. 16A-B, Grogol, Jakarta Barat.
Mining Jobs Perusahaan Tambang Aspal deadline 7 Maret 2012.

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