
Lowongan Migas PT Century Dinamik Drilling Desember 2011

Job Vacancy in PT Century Dinamik Drilling a subsidiary of MB Century is a market leader and foremost provider of oil, gas and geothermal drilling services. To support this, we are seeking passionate, dynamic, self-motivated individuals who are driven towards performance excellence. We offer you challenges and opportunities to meet your career aspirations as :

1. Rig Manager (RM–PTM)
2. Toolpusher (TP-PTM)
3. Driller (DR-PTM)
4. Chief Mechanic (CM-PTM)
5. Chief Electrician (CE-PTM)
6. HSE Field Officer (HSE-PTM)
7. HR & External Affairs / Logistics Field Officer (FL-PTM)

Technical Qualification:

  • Have at least + 12 years of working experience in a Multi National Drilling Company with minimum + 4 years in the similar position. (Position No. 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5)
  • Have experienced with Top Drive System rigs. (Position No. 1, 2, 3, & 4)
  • Holding a valid Well control ticket supervisor level (IADC/IWCF) and AP3 Migas certificate for Indonesia Assignment. (Position No. 1, 2, & 3)
  • Have experienced with CAT Engines, Hydraulic system & familiar with Preventative Maintenance System. (Position No. 4 & 5)
  • Have experienced with SCR system, Cooling system, AC & DC Motors and control circuits. (Position No. 5)
  • Having a good understanding and familiar of HAZOP analysis, JSA, LOTO, and safety reports on a drilling rig. (Position No. 6)
  • Have more 7 Years of working experience in Oil & Gas company / Service company with minimum + 3 Years in the similar position. (Position No. 6 & 7)
  • Min Diploma Degree D3 or Bachelor Degree S1 (Position No. 6 & 7)
  • Good understanding and skills in community, government relations and liaisons, and expat formalities processing. (Position No. 7)

General Qualification: for all positions :
  • Must be goal-oriented and having a high level of Problem Solving skill.
  • Must be able to communicate in English both written and oral.
  • Must be computer literate (MS Word, excel is a must).
  • Able to demonstrate a reliable safety leadership and behavior, and proven track record to dealing with a multicultural working environment.
  • Willing to travel overseas and working on rotational basis (28/28).

If you love challenges and look forward to enriching professional and experience, kindly submit your complete resume with latest photograph to :  recruitmentindo@mbcentury.com / recruitmentindo@mbcentury.com  .
Lowongan Migas PT Century Dinamik Drilling deadline 9 Desember 2011. The Package – successful applicants will receive a competitive remuneration package among the industry.

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