
Lowongan Migas Chevron November 2011

Job vacancy in Chevron, Currently we are looking for a professional to build a career with us. Applicants are invited for the following position:

Qualification & Experience:

  • Provides analysis of seismic data processing and quality control for soil , lauat , transition zone and seabed cables ,
  • Minimum 10 years experience in the field of 3D seismic processing ( traca processing, velocity modeling , and imaging)
  • Bachelor Degree S1 - Engineering Geology , Geophysics or Physics

Qualification & Experience:
  • Perform various activities related to planning , development , construction and installation of facilities / infrastructure companies (electrical , instrumentation , piping , pumps , vessels , buildings , roads and project management )
  • Minimum 5 years experience
  •  Bachelor Degree S1 - Chemical Engineering, Civil , Mechanical , Electrical or Instrumentation / Control

Qualification & Experience:
  • Conduct drilling operations in offshore fields and / or land
  • Minimum 5 years experience and if you have the experience of deep sea drilling will become value -added
  • Bachelor Degree S1 in Petroleum Engineering , Mechanical or Chemical

Qualification & Experience:
  • Make arrangements in project supervision , construction and execution in the field of piping , tanks , vessel / and instrumentation / electrical in an oil and gas and geothermal
  • Having 5 years experience in project management
  • D3 - Civil Engineering , Mechanical , Instrumentation and Electrical

Please send your Application Letter, Curriculum Vitae, Certification, Copy Transcript, recent Photograph, and other related supporting documents to : www.chevron.formycareer.com
Lowongan Migas Chevron November 2011 deadline 30 November 2011.

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