
Job Fair Pertamina UNDIP Semarang UGM Jogja UNS Surakarta IST AKPRIND Jogja

Job Vacancy in Oil Gas Company PT Pertamina (Persero) is the state-owned enterprises (BUMN) that operate in the energy. Specifically Processing Business operates 6 (six) units dispersed throughout Indonesia Refinery: Refinery Unit II Dumai-Riau, Refinery Unit III Plaju-Texas, Refinery Unit IV Cilacap, Central Java, Refinery East Kalimantan Balikpapan-V, VI Balongan Refinery- West Java, Refinery VII Sorong in West Papua.

Currently the overall refinery units require potential young workers. For that let's join and develop your potential by following the selection of new employees receipt of Operators and Technicians in PT Pertamina (Persero) Processing Directorate through the program:

Qualification :
  • Male age max 24 years old in 2011
  • Min Diploma Degree D3 in Chemical Engineering , Chemical Analysis , Chemical Industry, Mechanical Engineering , Electrical Engineering Craft ( Electrical ) , Electrical Engineering Flow Weak ( Instruments ) , Environmental Engineering with min GPA of 2.75
  • TOEFL score of at least 400
  • Willing to be placed around the working area of Pertamina
  • Especially for applicants graduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering in addition to the website of PT .Pertamina ( Persero ) College Shopping can follow that will be held on:

UNDIP Semarang and UNS Surakarta : 21 and 22 Oktober 2011
UGM Jogja dan IST AKPRIND Jogja : 24 and 25 Oktober 2011

For applicants other than graduate Diploma in Chemical Engineering majors can directly register online through the website of PT Pertamina in  http://www.pertamina.com/ klik menu career or  http://www.pertamina.com/index.php/detail/read/karir  or http://www.pertamina.com/recruit/ .

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