
Lowongan Migas Oil Gas Service PT Lekom Maras

Oil Gas Job PT Lekom Maras
The company have more 35 years experience in providing services to oil and gas industry and Geothermal in Indonesia, PT. LEKOM MARAS gives opportunities for you who meet the qualifications, have a strong dedication, motivation and high integrity to join the following positions:


  • Have experience and apply knowledge of drill rig components – both onshore and offshore, operation and functions and of lease lay-outs; the circulating system, rotary system, drilling fluids, casing and cementing.
  • Bachelor Degree S1 in Geology with 7+years experience as Wellsite Geologist is a must.
  • Able to: Explain the dynamic of wellbore drilling
  • Able to: Understand rig safety issues and policies
  • Able to: Evaluate offset data before the drilling start
  • Able to: Analyse, evaluate and describe formations while drilling, using cuttings, gas, FEMWD and others
  • Able to: Compare data gathered during drilling with predictions
  • Able to: Advise operations personnel on-site and office
  • Able to: Explain mud logging unit functions and procedures. Supervise mud logging, FEMWD and wireline services personnel and monitoring quality control in relation to these services
  • Able to: Describe coring, open and cased hole logging and well testing requirements and procedures
  • Able to: Demonstrate up-to-date knowledge of laboratory techniques for the analysis of core, sidewall core, cuttings and fluid samples, including special core analysis
  • Able to: Describe well completion and abandonment procedures and processes
  • Able to: Apply knowledge of new and leading edge drilling, formation evaluation and data capture technology
  • Able to: Trouble shoot when problems arise
  • Able to: Outline processes/procedures for the archival of soft and hard data obtained from wellsite operations and database administration. Keep detailed records, writing reports, completing daily, weekly and post-well reporting logs, and sending these to appropriate departments
  • Able to: Liaise with Service Company for logging, coring, testing etc. and also with Government authorities.
  • Excellent communication skill, team player, hard worker, result oriented, self motivated, high initiative and strong adaptability.

Night Rig Supervisor
Job Description and Responsibilities:
Responsible for managing operational drilling activities including providing on-site direction and guidance, monitoring, coordinating and auditing drilling rig operations, personnel, and equipment (rig and other contractors) while drilling and completing exploration, appraisal and development wells.

  • Have 10 Years Engineering or Operational experience in both Drilling and Completion activities. And Minimum 5+ years rig experience is mandatory.
  • General Requirements : Excellent communication skill, self motivated, high initiative and adaptability, ability to work in a multidiscipline team environment, hard worker, and result oriented.
  • Only the very best will be considered for the position.

If you think you are the right candidate to join our team, please send your complete CV with recent photograph and application letter to : recruitment_ced@lekom-maras.com , put  job title name on subject email. Lowongan Migas Oil Gas Service PT Lekom Maras deadline 26 September 2011.

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