
Mining Jobs Arutmin Indonesia February 2011

Mining Jobs in is global leading company energy in coal business with mine operations and a world-class coal terminal in South Kalimantan, PT Arutmin Indonesia is currently recruiting dynamic, qualified and high self motivated personnel to be part of our great team, with the following available positions

Based in Kalimantan. This is a staff position. We will provide comprehensive training, development programs and mentoring at mine site for the successful candidate.

Jobs Requirements:

  • Graduate S1 Degree in Mine Engineering (ME-GDP), Geological Engineering (GEO-GDP), Metallurgical Engineering (MET-GDP), Mechanical Engineering (MEC-GDP) and Environmental Engineering (ENV-GDP) with GPA min. 3.00
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills, presentation and negotiation skills,both English and Indonesian.
  • Strong interpersonal and leadership skills.
  • Independent, willing to work hard and under pressure, having high integrity, dedicated, and team work oriented.
  • Have a high commitment to PTAI standards in environment, safety, business ethic and good corporate governance.
  • Proactive, hardworking and able to work in a dynamic workplace and able to work in a team.
  • Have excellent interpersonal skill, energetic, mature, Honest, Discipline & dynamic

Interested candidates please send your application enclosed curriculum vitae/resume in English and recent photographs to:

PT Arutmin Indonesia
Email to: hrd@arutmin.com
For further information, please see our website: www.arutmin.com .
Put job code (ME-GDP or GEO-GDP or MET-GDP or MEC-GDP or ENV-GDP) at the email subject.
Mining Jobs Arutmin Indonesia GRADUATE DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM deadline 14 days from the date of this advertisement.

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